Monday, July 7, 2008

Official Site Launch

Official Launch of A Black Bike.

Tuesday, July 1, 2008

Welcome to the blog of A BLACK BIKE ! We are a Dutch bicycle company based in New York City. We carry authentic Dutch bicycles known as Oma and Opa fietsen (Grandma and Grandpa bikes ) We truly believe that they are the ultimate city bikes. The best way to get around the streets of New York City (or any other city ) is on a bike. The ideal way of getting to know a city or to use to commute to work. We believe that if you like comfort and style a Dutch bike is the way to go, and you really dont have to wear spandex ! As an addition to our website, , we wanted to have a blog where you can find information on biking in New York-- like road rules, safe cycling tips and advice, cool shops to get your gear, funny notes and pictures. This site is for the beginner, more advanced, and bike freaks.

Contact the Mayors office and your local city council person and express your support for bikes.